A few weeks ago I switched to Fedora 5. Yesterday I ran the system update tool. It updated. Later on I rebooted. My gnome "start menu" was gone. The panels at the top and bottom of the screen are missing. Two very small and empty panels were floating near the top left of the screen.
I managed to add the main menu back to one panel. I also made both panels the full width. I don't have all of the icons on the panels I used to have.
Probably even more frustrating than the panels is that all of the keyboard shortcuts are broken. ie Alt-Tab does not work. Alt-Ctrl-arrow (left/right) does not switch workspaces. But get this: Holding down a key no longer causes it to repeat! That is incredibly annoying.
Red Hat I hate you.
I managed to add the main menu back to one panel. I also made both panels the full width. I don't have all of the icons on the panels I used to have.
Probably even more frustrating than the panels is that all of the keyboard shortcuts are broken. ie Alt-Tab does not work. Alt-Ctrl-arrow (left/right) does not switch workspaces. But get this: Holding down a key no longer causes it to repeat! That is incredibly annoying.
Red Hat I hate you.